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Ask Me Anything

Got a quick question?

Ask me anything by choosing this option.

These quick question bundles are great options if you’d like some help with something quick that can be sorted with a text message and does not require an hour zoom call, and it can be done at any time. Perfect for help with your text messages if you’re ever stuck with what to reply to your dates.

Group Coaching

Join my group coaching program where you’ll be able to access all my courses, masterclasses, and live sessions, participate in group coaching, get bi-weekly accountability, and ask me anything on our monthly Q&A. Whether you’re heartbroken and looking to heal, single and ready to date the goddess way, or wanting to learn to navigate your relationship like a Queen, you will fit right in.

Private Coaching

If you’re after a more personalised service which will lead to a faster full transformation, 1:1 coaching is for you. We’ll discover where you are and what is your next step to creating the life you desire. This transformation will heal you and your soul, positively affecting all areas of your life and magnetising your soulmate to you from a place of feminine self-love.






Are you ready to transform your life?

I work to transform your life from the inside out.

My coaching is feminine energy led, meaning that it's all about the inner transformational work and very little strategy although of course masculine energy provides the structure and the framework, the rest is intuitive, heart led, transformational inner work which is going to provide you with guaranteed long lasting results.

The Power of Self-love

Self love completely changed my life and I believe it can also transform yours

I believe that the key to unlocking the life you truly desire lies within you – and it all starts with the transformative power of self-love.

Self-love is it's the foundation in which you can build a life filled with happiness, fulfillment, and authentic connections. It's about embracing your worth, nurturing your soul, and honoring the beautiful person you are. When you love yourself unconditionally, incredible transformations begin to happen.

So, how can the power of self-love transform your life?

💕 Boosts Confidence and Self-Esteem: As you practice self-love, you'll develop an unwavering sense of confidence and self-assurance. You'll embrace your unique qualities and celebrate your accomplishments, empowering you to take on new challenges and opportunities with a newfound belief in yourself.

💕 Attracts Healthy Relationships: When you love yourself fully, you set a powerful standard for the relationships you allow into your life. By valuing yourself, you'll naturally attract people who respect, cherish, and uplift you, fostering deeper and more meaningful connections.

💕 Reduces Stress and Anxiety: Practicing self-love includes self-compassion and care. When you prioritize your well-being, you create a sanctuary of peace and calm amidst life's challenges. This inner peace diminishes stress and anxiety, allowing you to navigate life with grace and resilience.

💕 Inspires Personal Growth: Embracing self-love opens the doors to personal growth and transformation. As you acknowledge and work on areas that need improvement, you'll experience continuous growth, reaching new heights in both your personal and professional life.

💕 Enhances Decision-Making: Loving yourself means listening to your intuition and trusting your instincts. With self-love as your guide, you'll make decisions that align with your values, passions, and long-term happiness.

💕 Promotes Emotional Well-Being: Self-love involves embracing your emotions, both positive and negative, without judgment. By acknowledging and processing your feelings, you'll experience emotional freedom and a deeper sense of well-being.

💕 Fosters Resilience: With a strong foundation of self-love, you'll be better equipped to bounce back from setbacks and challenges. You'll face obstacles with a courageous heart, knowing that your self-love is a wellspring of strength.

The Power of Feminine Energy

Embrace the Power of Feminine Energy To Transform Your Life!

Discover the profound impact of feminine energy as it unlocks your true potential and shapes your destiny. I will guide you on a journey of self-discovery, empowering you to embrace your authentic self, nurture meaningful connections, and ignite your creative potential. With feminine energy as your guiding force, you'll cultivate grace, resilience, and abundance, creating a life filled with love, purpose, and endless possibilities. Book your first consultation today and step into a world where the magic of feminine energy will transform your life from the inside out.

The Power of Healing

Embrace the Power of Healing Your Heart

A wounded heart can weigh heavy on the soul, but I believe in the incredible strength of the human spirit to heal and soar. I will on a transformative journey to heal your heart of any betrayals, hurts, abandonment, attachment, emotional abuse, childhood trauma, narcissistic abuse so that you can solace, release, and renewal. Let go of past pains, embrace forgiveness, and nurture self-compassion as you rediscover the beauty of an open heart. Experience the liberating power of healing as it empowers you to embrace new beginnings, foster authentic connections, and manifest a life filled with love, joy, and boundless possibilities.

where you are supported unconditionally.
I believe that healing your heart is an empowering act of self-love and growth. My tailored holistic approach combine a myriad of therapeutic techniques, mindfulness, Reiki, Hypnotherapy, EMDR, and acceptance therapy to help you release emotional burdens and cultivate a heart full of resilience. Embrace the transformative potential of healing your heart and witness how it elevates every aspect of your life. As you embrace your newfound freedom and emotional wholeness, you'll radiate an irresistible aura of love, attracting positivity and harmonious connections into your life. Embrace the journey of healing your heart and embrace the life you truly deserve.

The Power of Manifestation

Unlock the Miraculous Power of Manifestation

Embark on a transformative and highly spiritual coaching journey, where the divine power within you guides you to experience extraordinary manifestations in your life. At [Your Coaching Name], we understand your desire for more – a life filled with limitless possibilities. Through our empowering coaching, you'll tap into the boundless potential of manifestation, attracting abundance, joy, and fulfillment like never before. Embrace the incredible journey towards an extraordinary life as you align with the higher power within, unleashing a world of miracles and magic.


Thank you Penny. It was a gift to have you review my profile and you're so funny, and to the point, what you came up with shocked me because it was so simple and yet, so spot on! Can't wait to see how many notches my profile kicks up with my new bio and pics!

Trudi, Syracuse 💕

I’ve just had another consultation with Penny Love and I have to share with all of you ladies-she’s truly encouraging and helpful about being a rules girl -which (as we all know) is not easy! She created my online dating profile and gave me few important key points that I should work on. It was an excellent experience and I would gladly recommend her services when looking for dating advice and coaching! 💖


I just got engaged and couldn’t wait to share it with you Penny! We’ve been dating for almost 2 years. I was skeptical but he proved me wrong! I’m so happy!

Jivca. Florida 💕

I have followed Penny since she first became a coach seven years ago, and I am in all her groups.

When I first met Penny, I was a single parent who didn’t get out to date.

After healing my inner girl and doing her breakup and how to be a goddess course at The Love School, I finally started to heal, go out more, and became happier with myself and my situation and the energy that I was putting out made me feel like I was more attractive.

That’s when I met a man on tinder. He's a gentleman to me in every way.

He opens doors, helps me take off my jacket, helps me into the car, pulls out the chair...all that sweet stuff.

Always Saturday night dates. He sends flowers to me at work.

For my birthday, he gave me an infinity heart necklace and matching earrings and had flowers sent to me at work.

For Valentine's he sent a beautiful arrangement of flowers to me at work and took me out to a lovely dinner.

He's awesome.

I've been feeling really bad because I injured my back, and he kept wanting to drive to Houston to take me to a fancy restaurant (he wanted to propose at the restaurant), and I kept saying can we go close to home?

Then he couldn't wait, and he proposed to me in front of my vanity when I was putting the finishing touches on for dinner.

He got down on one knee and held out my beautiful ring.

And I said yes. We both cried. Lol.

Now I’m getting married after dating for a little over three months.

The last guy I dated didn’t want to commit to being my boyfriend after three months.

Ladies, if a guy hurts you, move on. There’s a man that will work hard to make you happy, and he will never want to hurt you or see you heartbroken.

I really recommend Coach Penny Love. I love her sense of humour, and she takes time to answer your questions. She always answered my questions on the same day. I had moments where I was panicking about a text or a date I went on, and she always answered me and helped me through it.

Now I’m engaged 💍

Jessica, Texas 💕

Penny Love is the perfect Rules relationship Coach. She’s professional, ultra feminine and exceptionally educated in all aspects of The Rules. I’ve learned so much from her in a short amount of time. All dating dilemmas will be effortlessly handled by her, I highly recommend her.
Elizabeth. Midlands 💕

Penny lets you know the truth even when you don’t want to hear it.

She explains the importance of making sure to always put yourself first when doing the rules, to be more feminine and to dress for men.

I had a list of my ideal man, and Penny made me look from the other side - such as am I the type of woman my ideal man would date?

Penny makes me think outside the box, to ensure that the rules is part of my thinking 24/7!

Annie. London 💕

After some years of intensive dating, I am now happily engaged to an amazing man, thanks to The Love School.

When I joined The Love Schoo two years ago, I sought more comprehensive teachings, discussions, and advice. Initially, I hesitated to join because I thought becoming a member was expensive. But actually, once I got in, I couldn't believe everything you get, and Penny improves it all the time.

The Love School helped me to feel accountable for my dating life. After years of intensive dating, self-improvement and learning, I am happily engaged to an amazing man. Choosing your life partner is one of the most important decisions you make in your life and should not be left to chance.

When you want to improve your career path, you go to learn a new skill in an educational institution or take a new course. When you feel sick, you go to a special doctor. When you want to improve your love life, you go to The Love school!

You will receive support starting with how to dress for success, self-love training, and advice in choosing the right partner.

My favourite feature of The Love School is the monthly themes, and the themes that have most helped me are the healing after a breakup and the feminine boundaries, which have been the most beneficial to my growth.

My dating life improved immediately after joining The Love School.

The Love School has an accountability feature, and posting my reflections after each date on the accountability posts helped me with self-awareness while dating. I also felt safe to do this as the love school is private and exclusive for ladies doing the work and is a safe space from judgement.

In general dating groups, you can’t trust the advice as you don’t know where it comes from of and I found lots of jealousy and backstabbing.

I recommend all single ladies to join The Love School, as it is a more concise club of women who are determined to find love and change their lives for the better.

Your love life depends on you, so go and create the future you desire!

Anna, France 💕

Penny lets you know the truth even when you don’t want to hear it.

She explains the importance of making sure to always put yourself first when doing the rules, to be more feminine and to dress for men.

I had a list of my ideal man, and Penny made me look from the other side - such as am I the type of woman my ideal man would date?

Penny makes me think outside the box, to ensure that the rules is part of my thinking 24/7!

Annie. London 💕

I reached out to Penny when my non rules relationship ended and I was devastated wondering what went wrong. After my consultation and re reading the rules I went back to my CUAO self. Penny not only advised me that this guy was not my MR Right but brought back my confidence and showed me that I am a Queen and should never settle for less. She also advised me how to dress and what accessories to wear (she loved my custom jewelry) and how to meet guys and ease my feelings about online dating!

Penny was so easy to talk to and to get along with. If you girls have any issues to overcome Penny is your go to Adviser I will definitely book another appointment with her!!!

Rebecca, NYC 💕

After reading The Rules I knew I needed further support and was blessed to find Penny. She was a gift in that particular moment of my life when I felt weak and lost, like a ship without a sail. Penny understands the reality in which you are and thanks to her you see your life from a different perspective. She has held my hand and taken me step by step on this self improvement journey.

Now, thanks to her, I feel confident and mentally strong, in a place of awareness and peace and secure that I will never lose myself or my integrity ever again.

Gemma, Venice 💕

When it comes to dating and navigating the single life, Penny is like a secret weapon! Her feminine energy and no nonsense way of coaching will help you embrace your inner cuao. Her positive vibes are contagious and help to make finding Mr. Rules fun!


Last week I married my soulmate. He's told me he knew from the beginning. By date #2 he was driving home thinking "I'm going to find a way to marry that girl someday." Penny Love without your guidance from confidence building, fashion tips, tough love and support I would of never caught his eye in the first place. Thank you for your "virtual makeover" and helping me to polish my look.

Thank you , thank you, thank you.

April, Arkansas 💕

Penny Love recently really helped me up my game with my Tinder profile description and it is bullet-proof now!

It’s light and breezy and feminine, shows my interests in a winning, dateable way, and is easy for guys to engage with!

My version before was “okay”, but now it’s just like a sweet, Rulesy extension of myself.

Lots of matches are coming in, and they aren’t asking the same dumb questions my old profile would inspire-

they’re saying I seem really special and they’d like to take me out to get to know me better:)

Thank you Penny Love.

Amy. San Francisco 💕

Penny is a loving, intelligent, intuitive, vibrant person/coach.

She's definitely worth a consult .

5 starts


Maria. The Netherlands 💕

Penny I wanted to thank you personally, as following our call last year and also your videos I’ve had wonderful experiences with flights and room upgrades, free excursions, being taken out. I’ve also really enjoyed reconnecting with myself and my feminine energy, enjoying shopping and experimenting with new looks, feeling beautiful and appreciated by men. Also I really appreciate that you have told me and other women not to worry about our weight and still find ways to look and feel good. A lot of the time men are much more forgiving and less obsessed with weight than we women are. Shopping yesterday I could see that despite some weight loss success I still have a long way to go but I still had fun. Also men in other countries may love you at your current weight! Thank you penny for all your encouragement and positivity.

Raquel, Barcelona 💕

“How can I describe life before and after Penny?

Before I met Penny, I was lost in being every and any man’s doormat. I’d cook for them, pamper them, text them, call them, experience panic attacks when they wouldn’t contact me every one hour. My view on how a relationship should work was simply unhealthy and lacking on boundaries.

After I read ALL the rules books, I met Penny Love. She made me live what I read in the books. She explained everything with details and passion and real life examples. She showed me how much I did not show love to myself, and was literally going through a vicious circle with men who just didn’t like me enough or were not ready for a relationship. It took me a while to believe in myself and in that there are men out there who truly are Mr. Rules! While I am still looking for him and working on myself, I feel confident, worthy and deserving of the best relationship some day. And I could never go back to my previous mindset. My dating perception, lifestyle and self esteem has forever been changed by Penny! “


Penny, I got married to the most amazing guy. Updated testimonial to follow very soon.

Ava, Virginia 💕

Dear Penny, thank you so much for creating the exclusive members’ love school.

Before I come to the group, I was really confused in everything. Since I joined your group I practice gratefulness every day and I complete all my homework. You answer all my questions for me. Watching your videos really help me to stay positive and focused. I think I'm different girl now. I'm happy and I'm grateful and hopeful.

Annie. Sydney 💕

Penny is the perfect coach. She is so wise, so intuitive and so honest that, in my case, she solved a very complicated sentimental problem in a first consultation and helped me in my personal sentimental path in a so effectively and quickly way. She is always giving her best. Her videos and posts in Facebook are a source of inspiration in the daily life and you can constantly test that all she is saying and advising is really working in your life. For me, she is the second step to follow after the Rules book, making you a CUAO and teaching you new things.

Lorena. Barcelona 💕

I started Penny's 12 week coaching course when me and a guy became exclusive and I felt it would go somewhere, and I didn't want to mess it up.
She actually created a ciriculum that is amazing and very eye opening. It took my self-awareness and my understanding of relationship dynamics to a whole different level.
The guy I was with really started stepping up and our relationship was flourishing...and I didn't have to lift a finger!

Most of all, she keeps you objective. I thought I was a very objective and rational person before, but I didn't realize how much I needed Penny to keep me grounded and to stop me from over-investing in the relationship, which is the source of much heartache.
I had no idea I was over-investing, but Penny really put me through a self-esteem bootcamp.
I've improved so much in such a short period of time because of Penny.
This package will be a gift to you, every man in your life, and even any person that crosses paths with you.


Penny, I got engaged!!!

Ladies, keep the faith.Focus on yourself, keep your boundaries. It won't be easy now, but it will make things a whole lot easier later.

Martha. New Jersey 💕

Penny is a wonderful conversationalist! She relates The Rules easily to real life situations and following TR is a breeze when you listen to her. I look forward to her live streams where she speaks to the group and gives advice.

She offers insight on difficult situations we find ourselves in and gives a fresh perspective on how we can deal with them better.

Penny's advice comes from a place of understanding and self confidence. It's not an easy task to admit that you may have been living your life in masculine energy and she has allowed me to realize that. Her group coaching program Facebook group has offered me new connections and friends with the same mindset.

Thank you Penny!

Beverly, California 💕

I have been in Penny's love school for less than a month...What a great gift for myself. I feel like a new woman already. I secretly stayed in the first saturday to binge watch. The second saturday I was in lock down so I thought to myself "At least I can binge watch Penny's videos on saturday nights guilt free!". At the end of each video I have at least learned a few things, laughed and smiled and made one realisation. Ok some of it made me emotional too. Penny is so entertaining! I haven't touched any other kind of videos ever since I subscribed. Yes! It's better than netflix yes! Penny is so full of love kindness, knowledge, fun, and wittiness and sometimes tough love. Exactly what I needed. The love school has so much content. I am obsessed. Not only is there a

lot of themes to learn from that we all need like the art of attractiveness and healing process, there also are some Q and A's sessions every single months and hot seats sessions where we can watch another CUAO blossom under Penny's guidance and get some wisdom nuggets. I feel like I am part of an amazing community of loving women and I didn't get that in a long time.

Thank you Penny

Marianne, France 💕

Penny Love, you are amazing. Ladies, I had a consultation with Penny today, and she is so insightful and has loads of really great advice on inner work, feminine energy, men and dating. Highly recommend. Thank you Penny X

Raazia, Portugal 💕

I’ve only been in Penny Love’s exclusive love school for a month, but I cannot recommend it enough! I had first read the rules books 3 years ago but I still struggle with applying them in real life. After watching a few of Penny’s live videos, Q and As and excellent and thorough course materials on various topics like self esteem and getting over a breakup, I have gained a much better understanding of what exactly I’m doing wrong. Being a CUAO is so much more than just looking like one, being in Penny’s group will help you figure out why you may be struggling with the rules, and transform you into a true CUAO both inside and out!

Renee, Colchester 💕

I joined Penny's Love school in 2020 when it first opened, and I joined because I like Penny's no-nonsense attitude toward the rules and her philosophy on life in general. At the time, I was dating my now husband.

I did not hesitate to become a member as she makes me laugh and reminds me I shouldn't take life so seriously. My favourite feature in The Love School is the group call videos. Unfortunately, I can't always watch live anymore because my boss now sits next to me at work, but the replays are always helpful. My favourite themes at the Love School are the feminine energy, the embracing your inner goddess and the putting yourself first.

The Love School has helped me tremendously as I'm now married, and it continues to help me beyond marriage as Penny's videos remind me to be light and breezy and to be feminine.

I would recommend all the ladies join the Love School as I am a huge advocate of investing in yourself; I support getting a dating coach, improving your looks and pouring in every effort to move your life forward in every possible way. Unfortunately, women are stingy when spending on themselves; my motto is "you should never skimp on food, clothing, skincare and housing.

The flowers in the picture are the roses my husband gave me on our first date when we first met.

The only thing that could make The Love School even better is having an "in-real-life meet-up".

I love you, Penny; my life would not be the same without you.

Beverly Lynn , Los Angeles 💕

I have been in Penny‘s group for a few months now. She invited me to join, and I am not usually a user of Facebook groups, so initially, I thought it would be just another group I would join and not look at nor interact or keep up with, but I was pleasantly surprised. I can say it is probably the only Facebook group, bar one or maybe two others out of a lot, that I enjoy and show up because I enjoy Penny and her wisdom.

I love hearing the other women’s stories and updates; I love Penny's amazing wisdom and guidance.

I have been single for a few years, and working on myself in the background, meeting Penny and hearing her wisdom have allowed me to speed up my healing journey.

Since joining The Love School, I can see the rules everywhere in my friends and family on TV and in movies, and it’s been amazing and so helpful. I’ve learned so much more about the feminine and masculine energies, and I am excited to continue my learning journey.

I recommend The Love School to all my single friends and I will continue to do so.

Penny is amazing at what she does: she cares and has credible wisdom and passion.

Deborah, Dublin 💕

Penny changed my life. Previously, I was travelling around the world and living in several countries. I didn’t have a chance to start a real relationship. I was unhappy and contacted Penny. She advised me to pick one location and build my life there. “When you are happy, The One will come!” she said. I moved back to my home country and started to build my life. When I was happy with my job, hobbies, friends, and everything, it happened just like Penny said and I met the man of my dreams! He is the most romantic and gentle man I’ve ever seen, and he treats me like a princess. Our love story has been like a fairy tale. After 7 months, he proposed! Now we have the rings, a wedding date, and we even found our dream apartment. Everything has been perfect, and I could never imagine this would happen to me. I’m so happy! And thankful for Penny for all her advice, I wouldn’t be here without her!

Monica, Scandinavia 💕

I highly recommend Penny Love’s “Love School.” I am very impressed with her business ethics, her knowledge, her authenticity, and her caring. She has videos, exercises, gives direct feedback in her group, and is very responsive.

Her guidance is based on the Rules Books by Sherrie & Ellen, and she brings her own depth of experience, warmth and humour. It is hard to “do it alone” in this day and age, and her rates are reasonable.

Penny has a special blend of London cosmopolitanism and Spanish flair, and I really enjoy watching her videos!

Elizabeth, San Francisco 💕

Ladies I'm so excited to join The Love School, Penny thanks for creating it!!! I watched a few videos of Penny Love, and I felt "a spiritual awakening".

Suddenly I feel in a place of calm and serenity.I still have my challenges and issues, but there is no emotional roller coaster. I am looking forward to this journey.

Thank you, Penny Love


Dear Ladies, a few days ago, I joined Penny Love "Love school". I would like to recommend it highly. I can't put it down; it's in my ear while I am exercising, washing dishes, driving, submitting QA questions ... I read all the books, and Penny's guides give me much more understanding/guidance and incorporation of those rules and not only into dating but for everyday life.

The Love School is worth every penny.


Dear Ladies, I just listened to Penny Love's September Q&A. I feel like I know rules, but every time I watch her videos, I have aha moments... I am "scared" I will run out of Pennys QA sessions. But, I really liked the theme about man's messages and why they trigger us. So, next time, I will not look at it as "how dare he write that to me".

Thanks Penny!

Dina, Israel 💕

I love all of Penny Love's live videos from The Love School.

She is so thoughtful and intentional with what she shares. I am particularly enjoying her deeper dive into The Rules. I've read all of the books a few times, but Penny's personal insights and examples are incredibly illuminating. She is great at going with the flow and engaging with the audience when we have questions or need clarification. She also helpfully provides examples of situations she's been in herself or with clients.

Tyler, Texas 💕

The Love School is all about learning to love in the healthiest way possible.

Surprisingly, the first person I learned to love is myself.

Penny’s Love school teaches you to set healthy boundaries designed to allow only those into your life who respect, love and cherish you.

But her school is much more than that.

I’ve learned to respect myself and know that I have lots to offer everyone.

It’s even helped me with my career!

The Rules are about loving the whole person and the Love School is worth every “Penny”.

The Love School is not a lesson; it’s a lifestyle.

Lori, Midwest 💕


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