Transform your love life

with Coach Penny Love


I'm Penny

A love, dating a relationships coach, and feminine energy expert, specialising in high achieving career women who are looking for their romantic soulmate.

I teach women to date the feminine high value way, with loving boundaries, the highest of standards and lots of self love.

My methods will protect your time, your dignity and your heart whilst giving you the courage to get out there, have fun in the process and attract the man of your dreams by teaching you to harness your beautiful high value feminine energy.
I will empower you to get in touch with your true authentic self so that you can attract the most authentic, loving relationship which will make you feel seen, heard, loved, cherished, adored, safe and supported.

I'm trained in a myriad of coaching methods, holistic therapies and healing modalities so I can address all your needs whatever they might be.

I'm a highly sensitive intuitive empath, a narcissistic abuse survivor and a dog mum.

I'm of Spanish origin and live in London ๐Ÿ’•

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Penny changed my life.

Previously, I was travelling around the world and living in several countries. I didnโ€™t have a chance to start a real relationship. I was unhappy and contacted Penny. She advised me to pick one location and build my life there. โ€œWhen you are happy, The One will come!โ€ she said. I moved back to my home country and started to build my life. When I was happy with my job, hobbies, friends, and everything, it happened just like Penny said and I met the man of my dreams! He is the most romantic and gentle man Iโ€™ve ever seen, and he treats me like a princess. Our love story has been like a fairy tale. After 7 months, he proposed! Now we have the rings, a wedding date, and we even found our dream apartment. Everything has been perfect, and I could never imagine this would happen to me. Iโ€™m so happy! And thankful for Penny for all her advice, I wouldnโ€™t be here without her!โ€

Monica, Scandinavia ๐Ÿ’•

After some years of intensive dating, I am now happily engaged to an amazing man, thanks to The Love School.

When I joined The Love School two years ago, I sought more comprehensive teachings, discussions, and advice. Initially, I hesitated to join because I thought becoming a member was expensive. But actually, once I got in, I couldn't believe everything you get, and Penny improves it all the time.

The Love School helped me to feel accountable for my dating life. After years of intensive dating, self-improvement and learning, I am happily engaged to an amazing man. Choosing your life partner is one of the most important decisions you make in your life and should not be left to chance.

When you want to improve your career path, you go to learn a new skill in an educational institution or take a new course. When you feel sick, you go to a special doctor. When you want to improve your love life, you go to The Love school.

You will receive support starting with how to dress for success, self-love training, and advice for choosing the right partner.

My favourite feature of The Love School is the monthly themes, and the themes that have most helped me are the healing after a breakup and the feminine boundaries, which have been the most beneficial to my growth.

My dating life improved immediately after joining The Love School.

The Love School has an accountability feature, and posting my reflections after each date on the accountability posts helped me with self-awareness while dating. I also felt safe to do this as the love school is private and exclusive for ladies doing the work and is a safe space.

I recommend all single ladies to join The Love School, as it is a more concise club of women who are determined to find love and change their lives for the better.

Your love life depends on you, so go and create the future you wish for!

Anna, France ๐Ÿ’•

I have followed Penny since she first became a coach seven years ago, and I am in all her groups.

When I first met Penny, I was a single parent who didnโ€™t get out to date.

After healing my inner child with her and doing her breakup and Goddess course at The Love School, I finally started to heal, go out more, and became happier with myself and my situation and the energy that I was putting out made me feel like I was more attractive.

Thatโ€™s when I met a man on tinder.

He's a gentleman to me in every way.

He opens doors, helps me take off my jacket, helps me into the car, pulls out the chair, sends flowers to my work...all that sweet stuff.

He's awesome.

The last guy I dated didnโ€™t want to commit to being my boyfriend after three months.

Now Iโ€™m engaged after dating for a little over three months.

I really recommend Coach Penny Love. I love her sense of humour, and she takes time to answer your questions. I had moments where I was panicking about a text or a date I went on, and she always answered my questions on the same day and helped me through it all.

Now I can't believe Iโ€™m getting married ๐Ÿ’

Jessica, Texas ๐Ÿ’•


5 Dating Secrets To Getting The Relationship That You Want.

Download this masterclass and workbook for free to get you started in your journey to achieve your relationship goals


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